Who surrounds you?
As you begin your journey, we take a peek into your backpack that we assembled in an earlier post. In that backpack are things vital to your journey, but today we will discuss a few things that may be the most important of all; Cheerleaders, Partners and Accountability partners.
It is always nice to have people cheer you on. They are important. The positive influence as you begin a change in your life. Find them, cherish them, cheer for them, too.
These are folks that join may join you in your journey. When someone begins a weight loss or fitness journey, there are many joiners, it seems. It is great to have someone coming long with you, sharing the experience, and making it easier for you, because you don't feel alone. However...
Partners also come with an out. If a partner lessens their intensity, you will feel like doing the same. Here is something you need to come to grips with right now -
You are doing this journey for you. If no one else joins you, you will still make the journey.
Many times partners/joins bring peer pressure, and if the pressure to stop, back off, etc comes up, you need to make the determination to continue. It is hard, but you are doing this for you.
Accountability Partners
I also call these folks, The Enforcers. I also want to say that the Accountability Partners are normally not either of the above two. Sure, it's not fun to have something call you when you have stopped your journey "for a few days," and the person on the other line says, "How's the journey going?" You could lie, not speak to them again, try to justify why your journey is different than most people's journey that is doing the same thing.
Here is the painful truth. Humans gravitate to the path of pleasure or least resistance. Rarely, is a person going to stick to a journey in which they will change a behavior, deprive themselves of something, exercise till their sore (on an on-going basis), etc, unless there is money involved, a huge event, or an Accountability Partner keeping them on the path. We would rather sit than run, play on the computer then learn on it, etc.
We need an enforcer to call us on the carpet. I know, I've started many things, and only a few I've kept up. Mostly, because its fun or enjoyable to me. Diet or fitness are neither. I need a Doctors chiding, or constant trips to buy bigger clothes to get me back on the wagon, and yet that won't keep me consistent, and that's why I'm adding this.
Keep in mind that the AP isn't committed to your goal, and may not understand exactly what you are going through, so fishing for validation to whine isn't a good idea. They are committed to help you get there. You will not like them, most of the time, but when you finish your journey, you will.
Put it all together
So, now we see who we need around us, so go find them, enroll them into your journey process, and get ready to begin.